Terms and Conditions

Welcome to stakecasino.news! You accept these terms and conditions and our privacy policy when you visit or use our website. Please don’t use our services if you don’t agree with any of these rules.

1. Introduction

1.1. These rules (“Terms”) tell you how to access and use stakecasino.news (the “Website”) and everything on it, like the content, features, and available services.

1.2. [Your Company Name] (“we,” “us,” or “our”) runs the website. We can change these Terms at any time and for any reason without warning. If you keep using the Website after we make changes, you agree to the new Terms.

1.3 Our Privacy Policy, which tells you how we gather, use, and protect your personal information, is part of these Terms and is referred to in them. These Terms and our Privacy Policy are both things you agree to when you agree to these Terms.

2. Eligibility

The website is only for adults, as stated in 1. When you use the website, you promise that you are at least 18 years old or the legal age of majority in your area if that is higher.

2.2. The website can’t be accessed in places where the material is against the law. You are responsible for ensuring you follow all the rules and regulations that apply to you in your area.

2.3 You promise that if you use the Website on behalf of a business, group, or other entity, you can bind that entity to these Terms and agree to them on behalf of that entity.

3. User Accounts

3.1. You should make an account to use some parts of the Website. You agree to provide correct, up-to-date, and complete information when registering. You also agree to keep this information accurate, up-to-date, and complete.

3.2. The information you use to log in to your account is your responsibility, and you are responsible for everything in it. If someone else uses your account without your permission or if there is any other security breach, you agree to let us know right away.

3.3 We can close or stop your account anytime, even if we have a good reason to think you have broken these Terms or our Privacy Policy.

If the law says we have to, or if we have a good faith belief that it is reasonably necessary to (a) follow the law, (b) enforce these Terms, (c) respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; (d) help you with customer service requests; or (e) protect [Your Company Name], its users, and the public’s rights, property, or safety, we can access, use, store, and share your account information and any content that is associated with it.

4. How Users Act

4.1. You agree to use the Website legally, morally, and kindly to other people. You’re not going to:

  • Use the website for any illegal reason or to break any local, state, national, or foreign law;
  • Avoid doing anything that could damage or disrupt the Website or the computers and networks that connect to it;
  • Try to get into the Website, user accounts, or computer systems or networks that are related to the Website without permission;
  • Do not use any robots, spiders, scrapers, or other automated tools to reach the Website for any reason without first getting our written permission;
  • Without our written permission, no part of the Website or its content can be copied, sold, resold, or used for business purposes.
  • Do not send, upload, or post slanderous, offensive, rude, threatening, or defamatory content.

4.2. If we decide that someone has broken this part, we will investigate and take the appropriate legal action. They might remove the offensive material from the website, suspend or delete the offender’s account, and tell the cops about you.

4.3. You are the only one responsible for your behavior around other Website users. We can monitor disagreements between you and other people, but we aren’t required to.

4.4. You promise not to get or take any information that could be used to identify you from the Website, such as account names, without the owner’s permission.

5. Intellectual property rights

5.1.1 The Website and all its information, software, text, displays, images, video, audio, design, selection, and arrangement are owned by [Your Company Name], its licensors, or others who provide this content. Some laws defend them, like copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, and others that deal with intellectual property or proprietary rights.

5.2. You can’t change, copy, distribute, transmit, show, copy, or make derivative works from the Website or its material. For your own personal, non-business use, you may print or download parts of the Website as long as you keep all copyright and other proprietary markings intact.

5.3. [Your Company Name] or its companies or licensors owns the rights to the name, logo, product, service names, designs, slogans, and all other names, logos, and similar things. It’s against the law to use those names without getting written permission from [Your Company Name]. Every other name, image, product and service name, design, and slogan on the website is a trademark of its owner.

6. Third-Party Links and Content

6.1. The Website may have links to other websites or tools. These links are only here to make things easier for you. We aren’t in charge of those websites or resources, so we can’t be held responsible for what’s on them or for any loss or damage that might happen because you used them. There are links to other websites for your benefit. You visit those sites at your own risk and must follow their rules if you decide to go there.

6.2. The website may also have content made by users or material from outside sources. We don’t support, endorse, represent, or promise that this information or its views are complete, true, accurate, or reliable. You understand that relying on this information is at your own risk.

6.3. You can link to the website’s home page as long as you do it fairly and legally, don’t hurt our image, or use it for your gain. It is against the rules to set up a link that makes it look like we are connected, agree with, or support it when, in reality, we are not. You agree to take down any link we ask you to.

7. Disclaimers

In this case, “as is” and “as available” mean that the Website and its material are given away free of warranties, whether stated or not. Along with guarantees of suitability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement, this list doesn’t end there.

7.2. We don’t promise that the Website will work perfectly or without errors, that bugs will be fixed, or that the Website or the server that hosts it is free of viruses or other dangerous components.

7.3. We don’t promise or guarantee that the content, information, software, text, graphics, links, or messages on or through the Website are correct, up-to-date, complete, or reliable.

7.4: We are not responsible for what Website users do, whether online or offline.

7.5. You agree and understand that we are not liable for any harm you experience, such as lost profits, data loss, or business interruption, due to delays, failures, mistakes, omissions, or inaccuracies in the Website or its content.

8. Limitation of Liability

8.1. This website and [Your Company Name] do not cover any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential losses that happen because of or in connection with these Terms or the Website. This includes their licensors, service providers, employees, agents, officers, or directors. Lost earnings, data loss, and business interruption are some things that fall under this category. This is still true even if they were warned that these harms might happen.

8.2 [Your Company Name] and its companies are only responsible for the amount you paid to use the Website 12 months before the claim arrived. This is true no matter what action you take or how much money you are owed.

8.3: Some places don’t let you exclude or limit certain warranties or damages for bad behavior, so some things in this part might not apply.

9. Indemnification

9.1: You agree to defend [Your Company Name], its affiliates, licensors, and service providers, along with their officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, licensors, suppliers, successors, and assigns, against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, or fees (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) that come up because you broke these Terms or used the Website, including your User Submissions, the Website’s content, services, or products in a way that wasn’t allowed by these Terms, or how you used any information from the Website.

Additionally, you agree to protect [Your Company Name] from any claims made by third parties related to how you use the information you get from the Website.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

10.1. any disagreement or claim arising because of or is connected to these Terms or the Website will be interpreted and ruled by the laws of [Your Jurisdiction], regardless of any choice or conflict of law rules or provisions.

10.2: Any lawsuit, case, or proceeding arising because of these Terms or the Website must be started only in the courts of [Your Jurisdiction]. You agree that these courts have the power to hear your case and that you agree to be heard in those courts.

10.3: There is a rule in the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods that these Terms don’t follow.

11. Termination

11.1. You can end these Terms by stopping using the Website.

11.2. We can end these Terms anytime for any reason, even if we think you have broken them or our Privacy Policy.

11.3. Once the agreement is over, you must stop using the Website and destroy any copies you have.

11.4. The parts of these Terms that should stay in effect after the end of the Agreement shall remain in effect after the End of the Agreement. These parts include but aren’t limited to, ownership sections, warranty disclaimers, and responsibility limits.

12. Dispute Resolution

The goal is to give you a fair and inexpensive way to settle any disagreements quickly if they happen between you and [Your Company Name]. To do that, we need you to take these steps for resolving a dispute:

  • Write to [Your Company Name] at [Your Contact Information] to inform them about the disagreement. The disagreement and the help being asked for must be explained in the notice.
  • If the problem isn’t fixed within 30 days of receiving the notice, either side can seek binding arbitration through the [Arbitration Organization] according to the rules in place at the time.
  • One neutral judge in [Arbitration Location] will run the arbitration. The arbitrator’s decision cannot be reversed, and any court with the power to do so can rule on it.
  • You and [Your Company Name] agree that any legal action to settle a dispute will only be taken against one person, not as part of a class, consolidated, or representative case.

12.2: The [Your Jurisdiction] Arbitration Act controls this way of settling disagreements.

13. Miscellaneous

13.1. These Terms and our Privacy Policy are the only agreements you and [Your Company Name] have about the Website. They replace all other agreements, understandings, statements, and warranties, written or spoken, that you had at the time about the Website.

13.2. If [Your Company Name] waives any of these Terms, it doesn’t mean they’ll never waive that term or condition again or any other term or condition. Also, if [Your Company Name] doesn’t enforce a right or provision in these Terms, that doesn’t mean they’ll never enforce that right or provision again.

13.3 If a court or other competent authority says any part of these Terms is invalid, illegal, or can’t be enforced for any reason, that part will be removed or limited to the bare minimum so that the rest are still fully valid and enforceable.

13.4. You can’t give, sell, or sublicense these Terms or any rights or duties that come with them without [Your Company Name]’s prior written permission. On the other hand, we can give or sell them without any problems.

13.5. The names of the sections in these Terms are just for your convenience; they don’t have any legal or contractual weight.

If you have a claim based on the Website, you agree to start the claim within one year of the claim becoming valid. Otherwise, you will never be able to retake such action.

13.7. [Your Company Name] can notify you about things by email, push reminder, in-app message, or any other reasonable means.

14. Email Us

Need to ask something about these Terms? Email or Contact Us.